Leading During Elections:

Faithful Practices for Our Fractured Politics


Registration Open until Nov 5, 2024

Course Description: From its very beginnings and in many different ways, the church has engaged wider societies through thoughtful public witness on important political matters. In 2024, that commitment to public witness seems both more vital and much harder than it has been in recent decades. What types of public practices might the church model in a politically-riven society? And as a leader in your faith community, how do you facilitate these capacities and create space for their formation in your congregation?

Suitable for review by both individuals and groups, this online resource will help you scaffold those conversations and learn about key issues impacting this year’s election. More than a dozen recorded workshops and interviews, along with study guides for small groups and Sunday school classes, will help you and your congregants have thoughtful, substantial conversation about hard topics at the center of this year’s national election. This is a self-paced, self-directed resource, allowing you to prioritize the material most compelling to you and relevant to your community.

Location: ONLINE

With: Click here to see the full list of instructors and topics.

Program Fee: Pay what you and your community are able, $50 recommended for access to full resource. One registration allows you to use the resources for your class or group.

Contact: lifelonglearning@ctsnet.edu