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Contemplative Retreat: Three- or Five-Day Centering Prayer Retreat
October 28 – November 1, 2024
Course Description: Centering Prayer is a form of Christian silent meditation rooted in the self-emptying love that forms the heart of Jesus’ teaching and life. This retreat is an opportunity to learn Centering Prayer as a way to deepen one’s contemplative journey in the contemporary world. The retreat offers two tracks:
The three-day track is recommended for people who have not completed the introductory workshop and wish to learn to practice Centering Prayer.
The five-day track is recommended for people who have an established and regular practice of Centering Prayer.
Both the three- and five- day Centering Prayer retreat provide group experiences of silence, solitude, and space for optional prayer times with the monks, including Mass. Afternoons include time for walking in nature and soul friending with retreat facilitators. The retreat experience fosters an ever-deepening level of interior silence and may lead to an awareness of the presence of God in everyday life.
Location: Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 2625 Highway 212 SW, Conyers GA 30094
With: Leslee Anne Terpay is a spiritual director, contemplative teacher, and retreat leader from Lone Tree, Colorado. Leslee is a student of Thomas Keating (1923-2018), and Carl J. Arico, who were founding members and spiritual guides of Contemplative Outreach. Leslee has served Contemplative Outreach in many capacities over the past two decades. Currently, she serves as team lead for Contemplative Outreach Retreats Service Team and is also a part of the Q&A team for their online newsletter and website. She is a commissioned presenter for both Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer.
Leslee created and facilitated the year-long program “The Contemplative Journey” in Colorado Springs. Leslee has trained and mentored many Centering Prayer retreat-leaders to serve the Intensive, Post-Intensive, and other contemplative retreats. She has been practicing and teaching Centering Prayer and other Christian contemplative practices since 2002.
Leslee studied with Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault and Jim Finley at the CAC’s original Living School and received a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Benet Hill Monastery. She experienced the Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening, Michael Brown’s Presence Process, and Thich Nhat Hanh’s Rocky Mountain National Park retreat.
Schedule: The retreat starts for both the 3- and 5-day track on Monday, October 28 with check in at 2:00 PM. The 3-day track ends Wednesday, October 30th at noon, and the 5-day track ends Friday, November 1st at 10:00 AM.
Program Fee: $450 for the 3-day track and $700 for the 5-day track.
Housing: Housing is included in the program fee total. It includes a private room, with either a private or shared hall bathroom.
Meals: Meals are included in the program fee. We will be joining the monks during their daily meals. The 3-day retreat covers Monday dinner through Wednesday lunch, and the 5-day retreat covers Monday dinner through Friday breakfast.
Additional Information:
Recommended reading:
Open Mind, Open Heart by Thomas Keating
Earning CEUs for this course: If you desire to earn a certificate confirming earned CEUs in this course, please contact the Center for Lifelong Learning.
In order to qualify for CEUs in this course you must fulfill the following requirements: