The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees

October 10-13, 2024

Course Description: The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees explores the ancient spiritual and ecological wisdom that trees offer for living into deep connections with our human and nonhuman kin, Earth, and Divine Mystery. Trees, our elders who have graced Earth far longer than the human family, beckon us to wisdom, beauty, and peace.

In this course, we will explore lessons from our tree elders, including:

  • Living in the light, dark, and in-between times
  • The importance of living in collaborative community
  • Bearing witness to and accepting loss
  • How to survive and thrive during challenging times
  • Opening to resilience, renewal, and gratitude
  • Finding healing and hope

During our days together, we’ll engage in rich conversations in plenary sessions and small groups, take time for spacious silence and reflection with the trees, and listen for their wisdom on this beautiful land. Practices that encourage spiritual deepening through connections with the living world will be introduced throughout the course.

Location: Montreat Conference Center, Montreat, North Carolina

With: Beth Norcross and Leah Rampy

With training and experience in both spirituality and ecology, Beth Norcross founded and directs the Center for Spirituality in Nature, which provides experiences and resources to open individuals to a lived, loving connection with Earth and the Divine Mystery that infuses it. Through extensive speaking, writing, and program leadership, she offers guidance for developing deep, sustained, reciprocal relationships with nature. Beth has advanced degrees in both forestry and theology as well as many years of experience in both the environmental and spiritual fields. She has written numerous articles and curricula related to ecology and spirituality, including the popular six-week video series she co-developed with Leah Rampy on The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees and is currently writing a new book with Leah on The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees (Broadleaf Books, 2025).

Leah Rampy is a writer, speaker, and retreat leader who weaves ecology, spirituality, story, and practice to support others in deepening their relationship with the natural world. She is the author of Earth & Soul: Reconnecting amid Climate Chaos, published in 2024, that calls us to a soul journey for these edge times. Leah is a frequent speaker on contemplative leadership and eco-spirituality. She leads programs for the Center for Spirituality in Nature, Friends of Silence, and Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, where she formally served as the executive director. She is the founder and leader of the Church of the Wild Two Rivers. Leah holds a Ph.D in curriculum from Indiana University.

Schedule: The course will begin at 5:30 PM on Thursday October 10 and conclude Sunday October 13 at Noon. The schedule includes morning and evening prayers, small group conversations and free time to enjoy the beauty of Montreat. If flying, return flights should not be scheduled before 3:00 PM on Sunday to allow unhurried travel to the airport at the conclusion of the event.

Program Fee: $450

Housing: Register directly for housing through Montreat.

Meals: Meals are included in your Montreat housing registration. Individual meals may be purchased with an advance reservation. For meals reservation, please contact the front desk of Assembly Inn at 828-419-9844.

Additional Information:

Required Reading:

  • The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate (Peter Wohlleben, Greystone Books 2015)
  • Inside Out: Practices for Going Deeper in Nature (Beth Norcross, The Center for Spirituality in Nature 2018)

Everyone is welcome to attend this event. If you are taking this course for enrichment, we invite you to fully participate in all aspects of the event. We also invite you to write reflection papers. The post-event reflection paper is required for credit towards the Certificate in Spiritual Formation.


Earning CEUs for this course: If you desire to earn a certificate confirming earned CEUs in this course, please contact the Center for Lifelong Learning.

In order to qualify for CEUs in this course you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Confirm that you have read any assigned texts.
  2. Participated in the full course and all discussions.
  3. Completed any assignments, papers, and projects.
  4. Completed the course evaluation.
  5. Made a formal request for a CEU certificate.