Introduction to Contemplative Spirituality: Online

July 10-31, 2024

Course Description: A contemplative life can seem like withdrawing from the world, but, in reality, contemplative spirituality means living life as an individual prayerfully engaged with the world, making choices rooted in our true selves, and deepening our relationship with God. Introduction to Contemplative Spirituality gives participants the opportunity to engage in these practices within a community of fellow seekers.

We begin with a brief overview of contemplative prayers in multiple spiritual traditions. From there, we will dive into the modern-day contemplative prayer practice, Centering Prayer. Along the way, we will explore how human conditions hinder our connection to our true self and God, and how contemplative practice heals our souls and opens us to God’s loving presence in everyday life.

Introduction to Contemplative Spirituality is designed to be an immersive and practice-based experience that roots prayer as a way of life, not another thing to do. Participants are invited to use this course to discern if other contemplative spirituality programs at the Center for Lifelong Learning may align with their growth and spiritual development.

Location: Online

With: Julie Saad

Schedule: Readings and weekly forum discussions will be asynchronous. Weekly Zoom meetings will be Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 pm ET. Attendance is mandatory; these sessions will not be recorded.

Program Fee: $245 program fee, early bird discount of $30 until March 29th

Additional Information:

            Required Reading

  • Contemplative Life by Julie Saad 
  • Into the Silent Land by Martin Laird

Recommended Reading

  • Open Mind, Open Heart by Thomas Keating
  • Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault

All are welcome to take part in this event. Participants working towards the Certificate in Spiritual Formation or Continuing Education Credit will need to complete any assignments and papers for credit.


Earning CEUs for this course: If you desire to earn a certificate confirming earned CEUs in this course, please contact the Center for Lifelong Learning.

In order to qualify for CEUs in this course you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Confirm that you have read the assigned text.
  2. Participated in the full course and all discussions.
  3. Completed any assignments, papers, and projects.
  4. Completed the course evaluation.
  5. Made a formal request for a CEU certificate.