The Process of Aging and Implications for Ministry (Older Adult Ministry Course) ONLINE

January 28 – March 8, 2024

Course Description: Aging is associated with many changes in physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social health. This course will equip participants with the resources necessary to help those with whom you work navigate aging with agency, support, and information.

Participants will explore practical ways that our congregations, senior-care organizations, families, and caregivers can adapt and respond to age-related changes to enhance well-being and quality of life among older people. These changes vary according to age, gender, ethnicity/race, education, income, access to health care, nutrition, physical activity, and other health behaviors across the lifespan. The health and vitality of our faith communities, neighborhoods, and families are directly linked to how we recognize and respond to the complexities of aging. As we navigate these topics, we will pay particular attention to cultural considerations and end-of-life concerns.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explore the physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of aging.

  2. Identify strategies to create, support, and evaluate programs, services, and ministries that cater to the unique needs of older adults, based on current research and best practices.

  3. Integrate understandings of cultural awareness, equity, and inclusion throughout the course.

Location: Online

With: Zeena Regis. Zeena holds an M.Div. degree from Columbia Theological Seminary. She is a Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., a hospice chaplain, an author, and a curriculum writer. She serves as the Faith Engagement Manager at Compassion & Choices, the nation’s oldest, largest, and most active nonprofit working to improve care, expand options and empower everyone to chart their end-of-life journey.

Schedule: The course will meet live via Zoom from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET on the following Thursdays: February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and March 7, 2024.  Some pre-course reading will be required prior to the start of the course on January 29. All materials will be available on the course site.  Each week will include reading, videos, and written assignments related to the five dimensions of health:  physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual. The weekly schedule of topics is:

Pre-Course Work: Cultural Considerations of Aging

Week I:  Physical Aspects of Aging

Week 2: Emotional Aspects of Aging

Week 3: Social Aspects of Aging

Week 4: Intellectual Aspects of Aging

Week 5: Spiritual Aspects of Aging

Week 6: Final Projects Discussion: Integrating What We Know

Program Fee: Register prior to December 8, 2023 for the early registration fee of $235. Full program fee $265 after that date. Discounts for 2023 CTS graduates and current faculty, staff, students.


Earning CEUs for this course: If you desire to earn a certificate confirming earned CEUs in this course, please contact the Center for Lifelong Learning.

In order to qualify for CEUs in this course you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Confirm that you have read the assigned text.
  2. Participated in the full course and all discussions.
  3. Completed any assignments, papers, and projects.
  4. Completed the course evaluation.
  5. Made a formal request for a CEU certificate.