Course Description: Thomas Merton is widely regarded as one of the greatest Christian writers of the 20th century, renowned as a mystic, a spiritual theologian, a gifted memoirist and a champion of social justice. The Centering Prayer movement is largely based on his ideas, and many of today’s spiritual writers and teachers acknowledge Merton as a formative influence. But who was Thomas Merton? Perhaps the best way to answer that question is to dive into his own words. 

This online course is structured around a comprehensive anthology of Merton’s writings, giving you an intimate introduction to both Merton himself and the broad scope of his thought. We will emphasize the arc of Merton’s own spiritual growth and development and read his writings with an eye to how they might speak to our time as an invitation to a deepening spiritual life shaped by prayer, contemplation and mission. 

This course is open to all who are interested. For those seeking credit toward the Certificate in Spiritual Formation, full participation is required along with an integration paper due 6-8 weeks following the end of the course. 

Location: Online 

With: Carl McColman is an author, longtime instructor in the Certificate in Spiritual Formation program and a lay associate of the Trappists — the same monastic order to which Merton belonged. 

Schedule: This is an asynchronous course; participants will not be required to log on at specific times.

Program Fee: $190 

Additional Information: The reading for this course will be provided upon course registration. 

Earning CEUs for this course: If you desire to earn a certificate confirming earned CEUs in this course, please contact the Center for Lifelong Learning.

In order to qualify for CEUs in this course you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Confirm that you have read the assigned text.
  2. Participated in the full course and all discussions.
  3. Completed any assignments, papers, and projects.
  4. Completed the course evaluation.
  5. Made a formal request for a CEU certificate.